Spring was on hold again yesterday, Sunday, when snow fall again and this time the heaviest April snowfall for almost twenty years. After White Easter, almost all over Britain covered by snow. The first & second photos (punting in Cambridge, near the only circular-shape Church in UK, and punting in Oxford) were taken in late March when i visited Cambridge & Oxford during my road trip and the one below it was yesterday snow...but the miserable weather will continue throughout the week with more showers and no more snow is predicted, and the temperature will struggle to climb above 12 degrees celsius.

I love this. Is it your photography?
hej! sarah...thanks for hopping by...well, the first one is taken by me and the second one actually from the BBC :)
Sarah,this chap is a good photographer..
hej! shahneel...i wish i can have a DSLR camera...:)
Of course u can have a DSLR!
hej! josh...hehehehe...maybe someone can buy for me as a birthday gift...;)
Danny... tu apa tu?? Sampan ker?? comelnya...leh guna ker.. apasal kurang sangat orang kat sini yer??
mau sejuk beku kalo gi punting time skrg.. hahahhaa
pssst abg bear, dat r punts... mcmana nak describe, yeah boleh kata small sampan lah..naik along the river.. sini pon ada gak, siap ada tukang dayung dia..
hej! BM...it's a kind of boat, a long, narrow, flat-bottomed boat, square at both ends and propelled with a long pole, used on inland waters chiefly for recreation...hehehehe...all the people just hiding in their houses because of the unexpected snow in april...well, if BM come over, i can bring you punting either in oxford or cambridge...:)
hej! pinky...hahahahaha...for me ok punting during winter...hehehehe...:)
punting at winter, tanak lah. Puding at winter ok.
I love the first photo =p
hej! josh...hahahaha...no more winter punting, puding or pudding? :)
hej! josh...hahahaha...no more winter punting, puding or pudding? :)
hej! lyna wan...cheers! :)
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