Keukenhof Garden is the largest flower garden in the world with the size over 32 hectares. It is one and half hours from Rotterdam by coach and only opens for a short period in spring, attracting some 800,000 visitors each year. The day i visited Keukenhof, there were 17,000 people exploring the garden with me, who came from all over the world. Keukenhof Garden is part of the flower industry areas, surrounded by flower farms.
Two beautiful ladies in traditional costumes, selling the booklet about the garden...
The map of the garden...
Some souvenir shops...
The Keukenhof Castle, which is outside of the garden...
Aiyoo, makan hati tengok budak ini jalan-jalan. Tapi inilah masanya nak meronda sambil buang stress kan? Bila lagi.
Thanks for the info and nice pictures. Kalau ada rezeki, nak jugak rasanya pegi.
p/s: Eh, Equus tu bukan show yang si Harry Pothead tu 'bog' ke? Aiseh, melepass! Hihihi.
[belladonna] BUDAK ni memang suka merayau-rayau, sejak dulu-dulu lagi dia macam ni. Zaman muda dulu dia suka melepak. Kan Danail kan?
Those pics are nice... If u use the _____ sure look nicer. (please fill in the blank). hahaha
hej! bella...come over, i am planning to discover amsterdam this coming summer sometimes in july...a god therapy for a stress life...hehehehehe...EQUUS...yeah, that's the one the harry pothead...tuuuttt...tttuuuuuttt...hehehehe...or maybe they will show in kl but must be the harry pothead only allow to wear sarong...hehehehe...
hej! josh...hahahahah...of course i like to wonder around...but not lepaking one...hehehehe...haiyah dr.josh...the question is so difficult to answer...fill in the blanks is a difficult type question, give the multiple choice one...:)
Lovely fotos from keukenhof castel and park, geeting from Belgium
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