This is my second time carrying out an experiment to make tempeh. Tempeh is a traditional food of Indonesia particularly the Javanese. Tempeh is the best source of B12 for the people who do not take meat. My first attempt was during winter in 2006 and the tempeh did not turn up as expected. This time i accidently found a suitable place to be an incubator in my house...hehehehehe...the tiny boiler room! After googling on how to make tempeh, i found that besides boiling the soybean for an hour, i should add a table spoon of vinegar just to kill any bacterium in the soybean. Lucky i still have tempeh inoculum.
The soybeans have been soaked overnight and dehulled...
Boiled with water with added vinegar for an hour, then drained...
The tempeh inoculum added to cooled soybeans...
Packed in a plastic bag with holes (prick with a fork)...
Into the incubator for 24 - 36 i have to wait to see if my tempeh experiment will be successful this time...
Coincidently, your larling had bought some more innoculum for u, asking me to send to you soon. Nak ke tak nak?
hej! josh...yes! i i am a tempeh towkay...hehehehe...say thanks to my larling, luv her :)...
Wa, tempeh tauke ya?? Hm... I'm the middle man then, and your larling is raw material supplier.
hej! hehehehe...will export to Malaysia soon...:)
i was bloghopping and landed here! guess im not alone in missing tempe and having them googled. haha. but too bad no tempeh starter here so i cant make any of them. sigh..
rindunya la nak makan tempe..
and congratulation on ur successful attempt. :)
hej! sakibakidaki...thanks for bloghopping by...pity you missing the tempeh and so unfortunate there's nobody make tempeh in Egypt...well, you can try to buy the tempeh starter on the internet but i'm not sure if they can send it to Egypt, but you can try...or maybe you can bring the tempeh starter when you go back to Malaysia for a holiday...or you can come over to UK and for tempeh feast...:)
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