update: so which one is nice for me, black or white? hhhmmm...i think black will suit with my black MacBook...hehehehe...
Apple will launch a new generation iPhone anytime today. New iPhone will arrive in UK next month and I am thinking of getting the new one which is much smaller and better...3G iPhone! So, any takers for my old iPhone? Well not so old just barely 8 months but in term of technology it can be considered dinosaur already...hehehe...but with one condition...offer valid for people residing outside UK and you have to collect it by yourself...
On board of national express eastcoast...on my way back to Newcastle from London.
Haiyooo... very very technology chaser lah Danny nih... baru 8 bulan dah ketinggalan saman... bagi kat Abg jer lah yg lama tu... boleh??? hahahaha
I want, I want. For free. Pleaaaaaasssseeeeeee. ;-P
errrr, i know u need my postal add rite..? ;-)
hej! abg.bear...can. can but you have to come over...hehehehe...
hej! josh...hahahaha...so bad Malaysia is not included for the july 11 launch of new iPhone...hehehhe...got new white and black...so cute....heheheh..
hej! pinky...you just wait for july 11...iPhone will be in new zealand soon...
i'll be at newcastle and pick the phone .. ha ha ha .. since i'm out of uk, and will be traveling there soon ...
hej! yeah...azizi...better come fast-fast...
im gettin one in september.. but have to travel south (SG) to get it. :p
and it's pretty cheap. Around $400 only.
[azizi] jangan monyet, Josh dah chop dah iphone tu. Kan Danial?
Eh, Danial, really, I would love to have a iphone. Jual ler kat I yang old one tu.
hej! famil...yeah! black is elegant...$400 sing dollar...well, that's still good price and over here 8G will be £99 only...
hej! josh...first come first serve...hiks...
alaaaaaaaaaaa..nak jugakkk..ade lagi tak offer tu??
hej! inah...iPhone will be in aussie on july 11...so better you buy it in aussie...:)
Uish dah lama x singgah sini. Bila dah keje nie, time flies hehe... Eh, pakcik, itu talipon xde bagus. Jgn beli ooo.. Simpan duit beli nokia touch lg bagus. Nokia best~
hej! hafiz...hahahaha...now you become flies huh...and the time flies...ayoyoyo...you should watch the keynote address by steve job on the comparisons of iPhone, Nokia N90 and Samsung...it seems 'Nokia touch' already sounds dinosaur...hehehehehe...but so unlucky that Malaysia did not make it in the list of iPhone launching on july 11 and beyond...so bad...
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