At last i was there...Penshaw Monument, a building like Roman temple which I used to see it when on my way to Sunderland or Washington...somebody must be jealous...Hafiz, sorry mate!

Penshaw Monument is a folly built in 1844 on Penshaw Hill, in Tyne and Wear, North East England, between the areas of Washington and Houghton-le-Spring in the city of Sunderland. It is dedicated to John George Lambton, first Earl of Durham and the first Governor of the Province of Canada.The Monument stands 136 metres above sea level. Built as a half-sized replica of the renowned Temple of Hephaestus in Athens, the monument dominates the local landscape. Penshaw Monument was designed by John and Benjamin Green and built by Thomas Pratt of Sunderland, based on the Doric order. The Monument is the best preserved model of a Doric Hexastyle temple in Britain. The Marquess of Londonderry presented Penshaw Hill as a suitable site. It is 100 feet (30 metres) long, 53 feet (16 metres) wide and 70 feet (20 metres) high. The columns are each 6 feet and 6 inches (2 metres) in diameter. Resting on the columns is the entablature which itself can be split into three main parts. The architrave, the main spanning beam across the tops of the pillars. Above the architrave is the frieze, the central patterned section. Then the cornice is the upper part which projects outwards. Finally, the pediments are the triangular facings at each end of the Monument. The foundation stone was laid by Thomas Dundas, 2nd Earl of Zetland (the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England) on 28 August 1844. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)
Ei? how come so desserted one? Ei? Why you're not in the pic? Ei? Why u go there?
... sambung soalan josh..
yepp, how did you manage to know that?
.. how to get there?
.. how much it cost you?
Adeh2.. Cisss... wa manyak rindu sama newcastle. Penshaw pun x sempat pegi. Cis.. cis... Ah pakcik, nxt week hilmi mau dtg subang. How much extra kena bayar utk shipping tu? Nnt aku kirim duit kat dia. Kalau pakcik nak kirim beli nokia touch pun boleh. Mau ka? hehe
hej! give questions huh? let me think first...
Q1: i think that owner already died and no son no daughter no relative just left like that, desserted...but still so many nice people are taking care and so nice people like me to visit it...hehehehe...
Q2: only one went there and only one photographer and i cannot ask those mat sallehs in second last pic to snap my pic because they already wanted to go home and i cannot let them play-play with my new toy ma...
Q3: haiyak why i went there huh? one morning last year i went to sunderland, then because i am so cannot sit still i saw that thing, that temple so small and far far away...i asked the driver what was that building, and he told me that one huh, a roman temple at when i went back home, i so clever boy and i surfed the internet and wallllaaaa...i found the i read the infomatioan and made me so interested to go i keep dreaming to go there one day even though i went to sunderland and washington a few times but never got chance to go last week i got the chance to go there so i go lah...
ok, thank you very much...
hej! azizi...haiyak...another lecturer give questions...haiyak so headache already to find the answers...ok la i try to answer...
Q1: hhhmmm...i dunno but one day i travelled by car to sunderland and along the highway A1 i saw angel of the north then i saw some big white fans on the field...after a few time i saw that thing on the top of the hill and because i am so genius boy i asked the driver and he told me that one is a temple at i just asked that only and after that i kept quite but still keep thinking about it, then i went home i check my computer and i found the story and read about it and it gave me spirit to go there...
Q2: hhhmmmm...there are so many ways to get can take the bus to sunderland or washington and then take the taxi, or you can take the metro to sunderland and then take a taxi, or you can take a bus from newcastle to penshaw and then take a taxi...or you can go there by car if you have a car or if you know to drive, but no car you can rent a car and drive to penshaw and you must have nokia n90 or TOMTOM or sat nat to show you the way...first huh, you must set your sat nat by type your postcode or if you don't have oen you can use my postcode...i give you one...NE4 5NJ then you type penshaw...wallaaaa...the TOMTOM will speak with woman voice very sexy and tell you the way to go just listen and drive...
Q3: eeerrrrr...if you want to go there, not very expensive...if you student you can get cheap ticket also i think you must pay around £10 including eating lunch pack...but if you rent a car only £11 plus a day so you can go other places also like Wildfowl Wetland near Washington and you can stop also at Angel of the North after you visit that temple and the can go to northshield to eat fish and chip and if calculate it is much cheaper if go by car...but if you don't have camera, you must buy camera first so ypu can take pictures then you can rent a car...the camera the cheap one also ok like canon dslr 405d to take the pictures...
ok, thank you very much and i hope i gave the correct answers...
hej! touch don't like...iPhone 3G will be coming soon...hhhmmm...if can you give me another £ enjoy the pics...taken with Canon EOS450D...
Waaa... (sambil tepuk-tepuk tangan) bagus jawapan2 tu. yeah... 100 markah saya bagi. hehehe
Hope you'd enjoyed the trip. Bila nak balik sini?? I had dinner with larling and Ah Hock. Larling miss u sooooooooo much.
bagus bagus ...
dpt A lagi ... (sambil tersenyum riang n melompat2 ..) - kalah josh.
it is indeed quite a nice place.
hej! josh...haiyah, 100 huh! thank you, thank you...miss larling also in oct maybe...hehehehe...
hej! azizi...yeehaaa...i've got A! come over, will show you around...:)
suka pulak diorg ni dapat full ade lecturer lain nak tanya jugak :D
tapi semua i nak tau..semua dah ditanya oleh josh n azizi :P
nanti nak jalan2 ngan u round europe..lalalalalala
Azizi, kita tepuk tangan, sambil korek hidung, sambil menyanyi tau. Siapa yang kalah sekarang?
1844 - its still very new... dan ditainggalkan ker?? sayangnya... ada bangunan kat England dan Austria dan juga di Chez republik yg usianya sudah mancecah ribuan tahun tapi masih dipelihara dan kukuh sangat...I like historic building... ghost... no way...I tak kisah
hej! inah...sorry late reply...must be happy loh because the lecturers so kind to give me great mark and grade! come, come inah...we round round europe and visit azizi too...
hej! abg.bear...sorry so busy travelling and left your comment unanswered...yeah, still new but already looked old and do come over so abg.bear can snap snap a lot of historical sites...:)
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