An outdoor photo exhibition by Steve Bloom, one of the leading wildlife photographers. His expressive and evocative photographs of wild animals have earned him several international awards. This exhibition is part of Stavanger 2008 as an European Capital of Culture. The photos are displayed around the lake park in the City of Stavanger, Norway.

which animal that may define your identity? .. hmm .. i bet not the panda .. (kungfu panda - haiyakkk).
hej! azizi...yeah, kungfu panda...that's me...hahahaha...and you must be a intelligent one...
Teringat kat seseorang bila tengok gambar ke3 tu...
hej! your friend i heard has become pic no.11...haiyakkkkk...
suke tengok beruang tu baring atas ais...
kalau die manja sanggup tangkap gambar sambil peluk die
silap2 die ngap plak.... :)
hej! shahril aley...hahahaha...look may be deceiving...but you can still peluk other bears, teddy bear, kungfu panda bear or abg.bear...hehehehe...
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