Bambuco is an Australian company famous for constructing bold large-scale bamboo installations, and in July they’ll be constructing a temporary suspension bridge of bamboo and steel reaching from Gateshead to Newcastle – spanning over 100m. The construction process is an integral part of the event: while the construction/artistic team are assembling the components, there will be protected areas where members of the public can talk to the team. Visitors will also be able to visit exhibitions at both BALTIC and The Sage Gateshead.
The completed bridge will then be on show to the public from Fri 18 – Sun 20 July to mark the start of the SummerTyne festival. Come along from 10pm on the Friday to join in the celebration of its completion. This event will feature a new piece of music by Irish flute player Brian Finnegan, of the band Flook, working with North East musicians Brendan Murphy, Simon Tarrant, Victoria Conlon, Hank Hays and Australian artist Tobias Bierbaun. The piece will use a whole range of instruments with a bamboo connection - including Brian Finnegan's own bamboo flutes from India, China and North America, the sound sculpture The Bamboozler made by artist Adrian Sander from bamboo and brass, plus a whole range of bamboo percussion and 'buzzers'. []
The completed bridge will then be on show to the public from Fri 18 – Sun 20 July to mark the start of the SummerTyne festival. Come along from 10pm on the Friday to join in the celebration of its completion. This event will feature a new piece of music by Irish flute player Brian Finnegan, of the band Flook, working with North East musicians Brendan Murphy, Simon Tarrant, Victoria Conlon, Hank Hays and Australian artist Tobias Bierbaun. The piece will use a whole range of instruments with a bamboo connection - including Brian Finnegan's own bamboo flutes from India, China and North America, the sound sculpture The Bamboozler made by artist Adrian Sander from bamboo and brass, plus a whole range of bamboo percussion and 'buzzers'. []

...the famous Millennium Gateshead Bridge...

...another famous icon, the SAGE Gateshead...

...the bamboo tower at the Newcastle side...
...the tower at the Gateshead side... of the bamboo light to be light up...

...the bamboo bridge with famous Tyne Bridge as a background...

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