...just red berries, not a flower...

...oooppppsss! this one also is not flower...

...apple flowers...

...wild flowers...

...wild flowers also...

...another wild flowers...

...definitely wild flowers...

...this one is not wild one...

...also this one is not wild flower...

...this one also...

...and this too...

...this too...

...and this also not wild one...hehehehe...
wow, domination of purple color. I can't wait to see when the apple blooms turn into apples *drool*
hej! lyna wan...oooopppssss...you missed the second pic, that's an apple! :-)
halooo leng cai,
heheheh...very good teacher la you.."flower and not flower" & "wild flowers and not wild one"...very clever lah you...hahaha
heee i think we saw a lavander right?
Ceh, tu je nama flower tu... More scientific please. eg. Rosa sinensis, hehehe
hej! mazddaud...hehehehe...am good flower scientist...;-)
hej! budlee...no lavender for this posting, but i did posted before some pics of lovely lavender...
hej! josh...haiyah...i can't put scientific names because i have to be fair to my other readers who are not scientist like you...hehehehe...i am a good and nice scientist ma...
luvly flowers, luvly pics esp the pink one.. hehhee
I like the last one the most!
Cantiknya Danny... Abg Bear suka kalau Danny amik gambar bunga... menyentap perasaan... cantik cantik sangat... ahhhhhh
hej! pinky...yeah, always the pink one...:-)
hej! aireene...flower always beautiful...:-)
hej! abg.bear...still learning taking pics...:-) thanks for the praise...
oic, it looks mor lyke guava to me. no drool there. hehe
hej! lyna wan...yeah, still green...just wait for a few weeks...:-)
bila la malaysia nak ade musim bunge
mungkin bila sampai ari kiamat kot
hehehehe..... :)
hej! shahril...malaysia always summer, always spring...:)
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