Almost two weeks already that two chinese citizens were murdered. A couple lived just two blocks from my house were murdered in their house and the police still could not established the motives behind this gruesome murder. reports from the crime scene...

...the CSI team's vans (white) outisde the house looking for evidence...

...the police still guarding that house...

...bouquet of remembrance...

Read the news few weeks back. It's scary isn't it?
hey careful ok!!
hi danial,
i love csi the tv series but i don't like when it comes in reality....means somebody was killed!!
you take care ok!
hej! aireene...yup, but feel safe because of the police increases the patrol around the area...
hej! too over there...always take extra precaution of your surrounding anytime...
hej! too and why on earth that they have to be murdered...
hej! mazddadud...yeah, i luv too CSI Vegas, CSI Miami, CSI New York...and too close to a crime scene really made me scare to death...but everything will be ok..
Hey Danial, Fenham is no longer safe for you..move to Benwell! No murder and crime there :) I know it is "posh" area for the posh people but safe :p
hej! neil...ok, ok, i will move to that posh Benwell soon after the hungry ghost month...
Poor fellas! Hope they manage to catch the murderers.
Wow. you really stay in a typical English street!
hej! savante...hope that the case will settle soon...yeah, dull english street...
think of south shields!
hej! aireene...yeah, south shileds...suburb...
danial ma, is this near you? Recently I covered that murder case where the chinese girl was murdered and then beheaded..gosh, the crime gets more gruesome each time.take care.
hej! kak teh...yup, really near to mine...hhhhmm, the one you covered, was it the one involved malaysian girl who killed that chinese girl out of jealousy? really terrible...
yap - its the one involving the malaysian girl and her vietnamese boyfriend. I was at the Old Bailey for the trial.
hej! kak teh...i guess they were lucky enough for the british law without a death penalty...
Errrr... seramnya... selalu ker berlaku mende2 macam ni Danny... cemana lah nak hidup tenang kalau macam ni... kat Malaysia sekarang pun dah kerap sangat berlaku yg macam nih...
hej! abg.bear...i think this is the first time at my the way it is one of the safest place...everything ok...:-)
this makes me sick
do take care u there
hej! lyna wan...i will, and you too when you are in czech...
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