After a stroll along the River Tyne at Quayside last Sunday morning, i crossed the river to Gateshead side through the swing bridge. Walked up to Sage Gateshead, snapped a few pics of city centre and headed to Millennium Bridge. A beautiful sunny morning and snapped some of my shadows while waited for the Millennium Bridge to tilt at around 12 p.m. So here are some of my shadows...and just made me realised that everybody has in common...the shadow is black...
Fuyoooooo..... hensemnyer bayang.... hehehe
Erm... it seems like you'd put down some weight. betul ka?
hej! josh...of course loh, the handsome guy like me has the handsome shadow also...hehehehee...
Ooh. Different kind of photos.
Wishing you Ramadhan al-mubarak. Summer's fasting.. hmmmm...
i'm fascinate with the shadows pictures...like dis..
waaah..nak amik gambo mcm ni gak la..wait for my pic!! :P
agree with Josh, nengok bayang pon encem.. satg buat org gila bayang.. :-P
hmmm...very creative....:)
hej! legolas...yeah, just to focus to myself...;-)
hej! famil...the people of UK will fast almost at the end of summer/starting autumn soon...
hej! axim...yeah, once a while change the subject of photography...:-)
hej! inah...yeah, you must wait the summer sun...:-)
hej! pinky...hahahahaha...can't deny that the shadow of me so handsome, and so am i, lengcai...hehehehe...
hej! mazddaud...since my face is banned, so can only post my shadow...;-)
i suka amik gambar shadow ..
it's really nice ....
i guess your shadow portrays the dark side of you ... ha ha ha .......
from the parallel universe ...
hej! azizi...hahahahaha...you are clever! beware of my dark side...hahahahahaaaa...
hej! lily.lulu...you should post some shadows too...so we care share...:-)
your shadow is as handsome as u?
I need the proof.
hej! lyna wan...don't believe huh? i will post my pic one day...
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