Enjoy another sushi outing at the Sushi King outlet in Tesco Puchong with Wymen. So many people patronized the Sushi King during the RM2 promotion for Sushi King Card holder. Ate like hell because of the chance of a lifetime that the prices were below poverty level...hehehehee...have a great night with Wymen because both of us really like sushi very much...

...the companion...

...cold or hot...always great taste of green tea...

...aarrggghhhh...sexy hot dip...sweet & salty soyu with hot green wasabe...normally i like to eat my sushi just like that without dipping into the sauce...
...my favourite to accompany the sushi...sexy pink pikled young ginger...uuummmmmhhhh...

...wymen's fav...the shredded pickled scallops...the fresh one really tasty too...

...the fried prawns really tasty (for me) but the friend scallops just so, so,...

...another great taste of chawan mushi...

...my favourite is the unagi (eel) because it is good to have it during summer...cooling property and good for manhood too...hehehehe...

...everytime these guys refreshed the kaiten belt with new sushi, we just grabbed the sushi like we were starving...hahahaha...
yucks :P
hej! inah...eel is gooooooddddd...yummilicious...hehehehee...
alamak! why so much of wasabi! can't stand hehe
hej! faisal admar...hahahaa..only for the photo shoot...;-)
but did you eat wasabi? i heard that wasabi actually kills the germ in sushi. and that's why japanese consume it. how true?
hej! faisal...yup, i take wasabi with sushi...i dunno about that but wasabi enhances the sushi...yummy...;-)
so hot! i cannot tahan hehe.
hej! faisal...sexy hot...;-)
er, confusing. is it wasabi?
hej! faisal...hehehehe..yup, the wasabi...hahahaha...;-) well you too sexy hot in that shade...
hehehehe thanks. still i cannot stand the wasabi's hot. could make me scream! lol
hej! faisal...hahahaa...just take a little bit, it won't be too hot then...;-)
Yummy .. let's do it again :)
hej! sbanboy...yeah, definitely will do again next year...;-)
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