Got rid the jet lag very fast and managed to do some autumn/winter cleaning of my room in six-day...changed the bed linens with all white for winter, changed the summer duvet with winter duvet and rearranged everything in my the feeling is much better to lazing around the room...

...aaarrggghhhh...smell so good...

aaarrgghhh...feel so soft and fresh...

...and i got this plate in Dubai's new terminal 3...what a nice layout of the new terminal...
MR TED!!!!!!!!
gosh..missed him :(
hej! just lazing around and enjoy the bed i just made...hehehehe...
OMG!! mr Ted is so cute. I bet my daughter falls head over heels with him.
hej! ms definitely cute but mr.ted is not available...hehehehe...
Wahhh cenggini abg bear pun nak gi shopping lah beli cadar baru warna putih... tapi kalau putih bahaya lah.. kalau meleleh air liur basi harus jadi peta afrika... hmmmm...tak jadi... comelnya beruang tuuu!!!
i want be mr. ted..... so nice....
hoho :P
hej! will feel calm with everything in will have a sound sleep later on...and yup, just close the mouth tight while sleeping...hehehehe...and mr.ted already blushed when abg bear said it is cute....;-)
hej! william...hehehehe...yes you can...;-)
haven't got time to clean the whole house.
hej! lyna...better you do before the snow fall...if not the shrew will stay with you...hehehehehe...
hmmm... I hate you... coz of winter feeling and i want to roll around, hahha; luckily my maid have done my bed for me over the weekend; haha
To Teddy,
Hi, how's life been doing?
What? Danial forced u to do ALL the cleaning and he CLAIM the credit?? tsk tsk tsk tsk....
Take care Teddy. C u soon!g
hej! come over and you are free to feel chilly fresh air of the autumn and join me for Christmas break in amsterdam from 17-19 dec...;-)
hej! josh...if i forced mr.ted to do everything, the pics of him lazing around won't be appeared...will pinch you mr.teddy...hahahahahahaa...
cute esp his action in 2nd pic..
hej! made mr.ted blushing...;-)
Hey Ted, long time no c ahh...
hej! enche' just woke up from hibernating...;-)
Can I cubit the cute teddy! Geram! Haha.
hej! faisal...hahahaha...can but then i will pinch you back..hehehehe...
Ouch! That's hurt :(
hej! faisal...hahahaha...
like those teddY~
seriously.. cute!
hej! dearest teddy...;-)
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