When to Mid-Valley and Garden to check the Machines outlets...well, unbelievable Machines sell iPhone accessories but no iPhone available in Malaysian market yet...well, maybe the one from China or from USA/UK or maybe the nearest from Singapore...but the Machines did not have any original iPhone accessories such as the earphone...so frustrated...so went to this outlet selling cooling tea and black grass jelly to enjoy and cool down the heat of hot mid afternoon...

...yummmmmmmmyyyyy...aaaarrrgghhhhh...so cooooooool...
E'eh, macam pernah nampak la jelly jelly ni.
hej! josh...yeah, sure at my blog loh...hehehehe...
nowaday... you can buy these jelly and go back home DIY.
I love the black grass jelly so much especially during fasting month! Its cooling...
P/s: Eh you got iPhone?
hej! travel...that's great...will try to get some..;-)
hej! faisal...yeah, it's cooling...
p.s.: yup! i'm using one, and it was my second iPhone...;-)...and you have too?
Your second iPhone? You mean 3G and the earlier one? No. I don't have one haha!
hej! faisal...yup, my second...yup, 3G one...yup, also the earlier one...;-)
Nampaknya memang sangat sedap itu grass jelly tapikan abang nampak seperti itu lintah pulak... grass jelly ni cincau tu kan.. sejuk dan bahagia kalau menelan tanpa gula dan dengan ais .... ahhhh nikmatnya!!
hej! abg.bear...hahahaha...don't be deceived by the look...yeap....just like chincau...maybe can ask Josh to belanja you...;-)
Er, its just like cincau or it is cincau? Now I'm puzzled.
hej! faisal...like chincau but with a little bitter taste...yummmmmmy...;-)
Oh. I thought its cincau! Dumb me! Lol. I should give myself a try then.
hej! faisal...yeah, you should give a try...;-)
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