Ho Yan Hor Herbal Tea helps to relieve heat, nausea, indigestion, and waning appetite. Use for the common cold, fever and flu (i think running nose). Also known to relieve headaches, hangovers, stomach flus and overall stress and burnout. Lucky that I stocked some for a winter day...just got running nose, sore throat and mild fever after reading this posting...* what a coincidence...
*[warning: don't read please]...hehehehehehe...

...bought this but i can't take it because it will affect my heartbeat...
home made medicine :)
hej! inah...old lady remedy...;-)
Salah la. It's YoYanYor. kaaannnn?
Get well soon ya. Kalo nak lagi teh tu sila bagitau orang tu.
hej! josh...hahahahaha...kannnnnnnnn...the writing is different with the pronunciation! you bet...;-)
Hmm. I'm not a big fan of tea and the only tea that I drink is green tea.
hej! faisal...yeah, i luv green tea very much and english tea too...but this one is herbal tea to 'cool' me a little bit...;-)
Ho Yan Hor and dried plums eh? Wow, I was down with flu last week, Jumper dropped by my blog and adviced some remedies and tips..week later(few days back),Jumper's down with fever....and now u r having sore throat..mmm...ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG!....blog virus on the way! hah hah!
hej! al khalifah...hahahaha...now i know the source of that virus...infectious blog! hope you are better now...well, i need to pass this too, hope some other bloggers will pick this virus...hehehehe...thanks for dropping by...;-)
I heard tea is not good for the hardon. How true?
hej! faisal...well, there were studies on antioxidant-rich food like green tea which can boost men's fertility and scientists found that long term consumption of antioxidant-rich foods reduces erectile dysfunction. pomegranate juice, especially, demonstrates the highest antioxidant activities. It was found to increase blood flow, improve erectile response and smooth muscle relaxation. so, when you have good blood circulation and relax muscle, then you can have good hard on...;-)
anything that can rid off my laziness is most welcome. heh...heh.....heh...
... do you have this remedy ~ anti laziness (i guess you do not have one, since you are also having a problem to stick with your gym routines) ...:-) opsss did i say that?
hi danial!
u finally found me!!! *smiles* Quite honoured to have the great photographer dropping by at my place.
hej! azizi...there's one but you need to ask joshua...heheheheee...and you know what, i'm not lazy but just an idle person...hehehehehe...
hej! Ms B...yeah, a long winding route to reach yours...hehehehe...;-)
writing this fr Malaysia, woke up at 3am
jgn jeles..!
Just to make it clear, I'm fine now after having flu & mild fever for 2 days & my blog is now free from the 'virus'.
By the way, back in my hometown Klang, there is this popular Chinese peddlar selling 2 types of drinks in the evening. For RM1.50 (not sure what's the price now), he'll give the first glass of bitter black herb then he'll offer the next glass of sweet diluted honey. Can't remember what was the herb. Do you know? It helps also to relieve the sympthoms you mentioned.
Danial, i got sooo many anti-laziness remedy, which one are you talking about?? hehehe
Azizi, the best remedy to shoo away the laziness is to get yourself a pompuan garang yang good at nagging. hehehe
Halamak.. tutup lah kedai ubat ngan klinik macam nih... semua main herb herb jer...
hej! pinky...where's my dozen Kiwi Bird? hehehehee...jet lag huh! well, just enjoy the jet lag...hahahaha...me jeles? of course la...you met so many leng cai bloggers and having kajang satay!...hehehehe...whatever, pinky...enjoy your break from studies and also the 'natonal issues' and may you recharge your body and soul...regards to your parents&family...jeles, jeles, jeles...hahahahaa...
hej! jumper...glad that you already recivered...me still in the process and also because of the change of season that make people over here fall sick...well, i guess the drink is lohankuo and good to reduce the body heat too...
hej! josh...hahahahaha...the one that you told me with spring2 word can also reduce laziness...hehehehee...and i think the pompuan garang will make azizi run away...heheheheh...
hej! abg.bear...hahahahaha...sometimes we need to fall back to our traditional medicine...;-) back to nature remedies...herbal preparation...
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