I've been tagged for the second time and this time by Joshua and later Pinky, who i guessed try to trick me to post my picture...hahahaha...nice try and to Pinky, well...i can't stop Mr.Ted from forcing me to post his pics instead of mine...hehehehehe...so, my name is not Dollah...hehehehehe...

Here're the rules of the tag.
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW! - Yes, I did!
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair...just take a picture.
- Yup, I did not change anything...
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
- No editing and i just used Photo Booth to take my pics!
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
- Here...
5) Tag 10 people to do this.
- Hhhmmm...hhhmmm...hhhmmm...hhhmmm...nop, i just wanna stop the snowballing effect...hahaha...
hello mr dollah.....oppsss hello mr danial!!! hehehehe
ayyaks..sib baik x kena tag :D..hai mr ted n mr danial :D
cool bro..
Dollah Chantek kat ASTRO pun dah glamer la Danni..
Ok, Ok, i take back the Dollah thingy. Nice to meet u too, Danial! hahahaha
Hi Teddy!
hey Mr.Ted
and Hey Mr.Danial!!
hej! mazddaud...hehehehehe...my name dollah...dollah bond...
hej! inah...me kind one...heheheheh...
hej! en_me...tag game...but my real name is dollah...dollah bond...;-)
hej! josh...cis...you are so bad one huh...but that's not my real pics...hahahahahahaaa...i am dollah bond...
hej! axim...hi! axim...;-)
hej! enche' adykasyah...hahahaha...dollah chantek but this is dollah bond...
why dollah? why not faisal? haha. your pic is so blur :(
hej! faisal...because of this posting: http://putubambu.blogspot.com/2008/11/plastersin.html
and my pics so blur because of cheap camera ma...;-)
tak aci!
hej! wahaza...aci, aci, aci...hehehehehe...
haha tetek dollah sebelah?
hej! faisal...hahahaha...so don't be Dollah...;-)
thanks 4 being 'sporting'..
hehehhee :-P
hej! pinky...hehehehehe...just took somebody else pic...hehehehe...not me one...;-)
dollah bond? hehehe...
hej! putubambu...hehehehehe...that's why cannot see the face in full...hehehehe...
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