The regeneration works started since September 12, 2008 at my street. The regeneration started in Fenham Ward since late last year as part of Newcastle Gateshead regeneration. I think that it will take several months to complete if you look at the speed of the workers carry out the works...

...early September, all the concrete fences have been torn down...

...and these in late October progress... on facade still ongoing...maybe needs another few weeks...
dua tiga oghang jer yg keje.. lambat lagi tewww.. salammm abang danial itteww
Regeneration for? confuse
Hahaha Danial.. Back to our beloved country.. It takes few days to settle it but then few minutes to broke again..
confuse dengan nama... regeneration? or facelift?
hej! en_me...yup! you are right...only three to four workers and they work very 'sopan & santun giteeeew' ...hehehehehe...
hej! wahaza...regeneration to improve the quality of life of the people and create new environment for business...;-)
hej! enche' are right...hehehehe... because malaysia still developing and everything needs to be built in a record time...over here they strictly follow the working and building regulations...slow and steady and high standard too...
hej! joshua...over here some terms are different with the using of english in other parts of the world...the term 'regeneration' much wider not just facelift but includes everything that improve the quality of life and business opportunities, and also the traffic systems around the area...other terms such as paying counter, over here we call it 'TILL' and we use QUEEN instead of KING...hehehehehehe...god save the queen! ;-) u know that nak buat overpass kat adelaide took them 3 years..x siap2 lagi..start keje at 8 am..end at 5!!
bila la nak siap if macam tu :P
Hahahaa.. Danial.. Your 'gitteeew' remind me of Hjh Esah Jolie lah...
hej! inah...i know la...hehehehe...yup, they just do the job very carefully to produce high quality one...;-)
hej! enche' adykasyah...hahahaha...i read her blog too, just got some influences...hehehehe...
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