It's minus one degree since 8.00 p.m. and i'm waiting for the snow to fall...
[snow of late autumn]
[and cold wind from the arctic]
[the wind chime tinkling]
[putting away my worries]

...and it's going down to minus two after midnight...
now! [2008-11-23 @ 03:52 hours]
through my window...the snow flakes just started falling...
ammvoiii abang ittewww, nak men salji gittewww..
hej! en_me...hahahaha...and make some snowmen and snowomen...hehehehee...;-)
aaaa..sejuknya!! ready with heater and blanket!!
hej! inah...still bearable need heater but duvet only...and listen to crush...;-)
I love snow! It makes me shiver!
hej! too especially when i make a snow woman...heehehehehee...
Er, snow woman? That's new. Have you ever try running out of the house naked in the snow? Whoo!
hej! faisal...yeah, snow woman but tricky to make one...hehehehe...running naked? not yet..hehehehe...maybe if i go to iceland or finland...but used to walk naked around the changing room and ofuro...;-)
make an angle for me, will you?
mcm budak2.I xthn tgk snow terus turun main jugak even I have 2 big tests around the corner.but only manage to make a snow baby
hej! aireene...ok, will do...;-)
hej! lyna...hahahahaha...i'm kanak2 ribena...snow day is a fun day...;-)
wah.... sejuknyer. make sure minum wine.. hahahaha
hej! aidid...a little chilly...but i have mr.ted to warm me throughout the cold nite...;-)
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