too many heartaches to see friends in sadness
too many heartaches to see friends in sorrow
too many heartaches to see friends shed tears
oh! LORD gives them strength and peace
to face this difficult time
to go through the saddest moment
to mend their broken hearts
a prayer to bloggers and friends who have lost their love ones, or someone dear, or their love ones who is still fighting his/her life...my deepest sympathy.
let's pray together...
[wahdi, ECLS, AJ, wan edi sophean, ziana, mazddaud]
and all departed souls and friends in difficult time...
p.s.: the sudden demised of miss kate of ECLS really brought some sombre moment to all ECLS staff yesterday...i feel really sad...
u're such a gud fwen..
i do pray for ur happiness too..
The power of words must never be underestimated. Sometimes just a few words could touch in such great ways. Indifference to the suffering of others is poison...not only to others but more so to ourselves.
Have a nice weekend, Danial! :)
hej! intan.dayana...that's what friends are for...thanks for your prayer too..;-)
hej! Naz...yeah, in silence we pray for the best of our friends, and for the departed souls too...have a great weekend to you too...;-)
sigh. i am having a hard time... struggling and fighting with my love life. i'm dying... inside.
hej! faisal...yeah, the prayer is for you too...may you find your true love soon...be strong bro...;-)
Salam Danial,
Hope you're coping well in this weather. Love your pictures. Best wishes to you and friends. May He grant us the ability to bear our burdens with sabr
may they rest in peace
hej! Awang Goneng...thanks for dropping by...i just recovered from a bad cold fever and now back on my feet...;-)
thanks for the prayer too...
hej! lyna...amen...and you too take care...;-)
hi danial..thanks for the hari raya wish..hey can i link ur blog..hihi..XD
hej! fatehah...yup, you can link it and you do not need my permission to do so...;-)
hi abang danial ittewww..
thanks for your hari raya wish. =)
thanks danial.....
hej! en_me...hi! to you too...;-)
hej! pena biru...doishimashite...;-)
hej! mazddaud...doishimashite...;-)
HI Ms B...not sure you the Ms B that used to pop over my place...as I got no link, but hope its you. (gold cocktail dress?)
If not...my apologies.
Here's hoping you in best of health, best regards, Lee.
hej! Uncle Lee...yup, Ms B the one and only that used to pop over your place...;-)
Uncle Lee,
Danial tumpang lalu:
danial is not ms b but he has my link. *winks* apologies for not leaving comment at your place altho i do drop by from time to time.
hej! Ms B...no prob...;-)
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