A walk through the field, clearly showed that a spring is coming soon...with purple and yellow blooms sprouting out from the ground,
between the green grass...

...scented the air...

...the daffodils will bloom soon...

...new pink leaves before turning to envy green...
spring is coming
the day is getting warmer
the little nightingale is chirping happily
and i just keep smiling...
and mr ted is smiling too i bet :)
Waa, very the chantek!!
Where's my tulips???
hej! Inah...yeah, smiling & smiling...;-)
hej! Josh...hahahaha...too early for tulips...maybe mid-march...;-)
lily allen's song...
smile, smile, smile, smile
Cantik sungguh flora yang dipaparkan...
hej! Cahaya...yeah, let's smile...;-)
hej! fusarium solani...thanks for stopping by...thanks for the compliment...wait when the spring is coming, will see a lot of beutiful blooms then...;-)
"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."
- Proverb from Guinea
oo spring is coming over?
i think it is an endless winter here.
hej! mazddaud...yeah, time to smell the flowers, and lay on the grass...and listen to the birds singing...;-)
hej! azizi...hahahaha...we are living in a small island than yours...so the spring will be earlier than a bigger island...
"we are living on the islands, and we are all islanders, travel from river to sea, across seven seas"
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