Unbelievable, there are so many shops selling sweet around Istanbul and from my observation, those sweets are sold out everyday...

...a mixed flavours of Turkish Delights...but strangely these kind of sweets are not so really sweet at all...

...another version of Turkish Delights, minty and with pistachios nut...

...but these girls are really sweet like Turkish Delights, the real Turkish Delights...
The other popular sweets, the Baklava, which are really damn sweet...

...and all the sweets are really sincerely sweet...
As much as I like Turkish Delights, I get toothache by just looking at your pictures this time...haha!
hey! It's really look yummylicious!!!
" those sweets are sold out everyday..."
bia btOl..???
hari2 pOn mkn sweets je ke..?
Being a Grade A trained and validated snackfood tester, I'm still trying to figure out why the Turkish delights have failed to delight my taste buds and olfactory senses. I wish I could join the millions who love these delicacies. But the chewy base of the Turkish delights are too plain and boring (really..it took me quite sometime to chew that lump to swallowable pieces). Perhaps I have not hit the right type. Perhaps, like you've hinted, the delicacies are only delightful to be chewed while flirting with the delightful Turkish girls ;-)
But baklava is something else. The soaky sweetness that comes with the rich texture and crunching centers score a perfect 10 for all my sensorial elements. Heaven.
hej! Naz...ooopppsss...sorry to make you 'sakit ggigi' ...hehehehe...but the turkish delights are so sweet compared to baklava...;-)
the first pic reminds me of the jelly covered in sugar in Malaysia. Sold for 20 cent per packet when I was small
Turkish! yeah one of the most hard working people in the world and a mystic city ever visted.
A barakah city of Ayubbi Ansari.
Nice write Danieal
hej! yazrie...yeah, soooo sweeet too...;-)
hej! intan.dayana...yup, sold out everyday...well, there are 12 millions people in Istanbul alone...;-)
hej! Jumper...Turkish Delights have a delicate taste and texture...maybe it just for people with super sensitive tongues & noses only...heheheheh...i prefer Turkish Delights because of the delicate flavours of rose, lemon, mint, apple, orange that linger in the mouth while you slowly chewing it...not too sweet compare to baklava but baklava too really nice with variety of ingredients like nuts, honey and pastries...great with turkish black tea! ;-)
hej! lynawan...yeah, dried agar-agar or lengkong...but turkish delights were made from cornflour and so sweet compare to driend agar-agar or lengkong...;-)
hej! Pak Tuo...thank you, thank you for dropping by...yup, turks are great people and i really adore the Ottoman Empire...
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