...it's just like a new phone without buying the new one...will be available free this summer to some fifty million owners of iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod touch (a little penny will do)...

"...a reporter asked about a new iPhone model. With utmost respect for my colleague, she may have missed the point. That iPhone 3.0 distributes new handsets to all iPhone and iPod touch owners without requiring the purchase of new hardware is the story"
- Tom Yager on March 17, 2009 06:14 PM, InfoWorld
Here's a new nickname for you.
Inspector Gadget.
Hehe...have a nice day!
then you can give me the old one ;)
hej! Naz...hahaha...yeah, IG...;-)
hej! Inah...you should read yager's last line...hehehehe...;-)
Can't wait!! waaa... cut and paste... cut and paste.....
hej! Josh...yeah, soon in summer...;-)
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