It's officially spring/summer when time is moved one hour forward at 02:00 a.m. this morning jumped into 03:00 a.m. and the first day of spring/summer will be only 23 hours, and the rest of summer, the day is longer for one hour and people get one one hour extra to enjoy the day time.
Did my bit to follow the rest of the world to switch off the light, and i went further to kick an hour earlier than the rest of UK and i still switching off my apartment light until now 04:55 a.m. and the sun will rise around 06:45 a.m.
Watched a documentary that mentioned Minimata disease and what a sad thing that happened out of human greed, contaminating and destroying the mother earth with mercury and other heavy metals around Minimata Bay, Japan.
A lighter week ahead in terms of boxes around my apartment when the shipping company collected my 14 boxes yesterday evening to be sent home...however, a tough weeks ahead awaiting before mid of April, and will become much hectic and challenging towards the end of the year...gambate kudasai!
Let me fall like Sakura
pure and grace
Are you heading home soon? Or are you moving to Minamata Bay next in your mission to undo the mess there? Ha Ha...
Have a great though weeks ahead :-)
hej! Jumper...home at the end of the world and Minamata Bay...;-)
gambate danial!! ohh..i've teched my students about minamata tragedy..u should seen the worst..chernobyl..
do you know that i teach toxicology to students ;)
hej! Inah...the fight for Minamata survivors still continuing until now and showed how hypocrite the authority since 1908...
whoaaa.. coming back already?
hej! famil...yeah, time to make a move in the nomadic world...;-)
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