It was a must, after a long walk around Istanbul, to stop at a cafe before heading back to the hotel for a sip of Turkish coffee or Turkish black tea or Apple tea served in a small cute cup or unique shape glass...interestingly that the coffee is more expensive than the tea...

...sweet black Turkish coffee, served with a glass of water...

...Apple tea...sweet apple smell...

...another sweet black tea in a small unique-shaped glass...

...aaarrgghhh...sweet creamy black cherry cake...

...the coffee too was served with famous turkish delights...
apple tea!
goes perfectly with that sinfully carb packed cake
hej! lynawan...hahahahah...with the apple tea, you don't feel so bad with that sinfully carb packed cake...;-)
sigh...i seriously need to go back to istanbul. u make me miss the place more each day.
hv a good weekend danial!
hej! Ms B...hahahaha...well, it's good to visit again...have a peaceful weekend...;-)
Tea and scones at The Ritz one find day.Shall we?
It sure burn my pocket when I was a student back then.Nevertheless a threat to self was an advanture itself.Ever now and again I love having tea at the Tourbouder near Earls Court.Classic place.All those antic shackles and touture gadget on display,centuries musical instrument on displace too.
Marvellous old boy.
Chai and Uzo at the Central Plaza goes down well with me.
Cheers. cherry cake..looks delicious!!!
I should remember not to visit your blog so late at night. You make me hungry! Have a nice weekend, ya!
(whistling all the way to the fridge)
We dont have Apple tea back then instead we had 'apple shot'and mushroom cookies.
I want the cake! I WANT the cake!
like the apple tea and like the unique-shaped glass too!...;-)
looks like everything is sweet sweet sweet there?? hehe :p
hej! Pak tea and hot scones at The Ritz will be great! ;-)
hej! Inah...yup, yummmmmmmmy...;-)
hej! Naz...hahahaha...don't stuff yourself too much...;-) happy weeekend...
hej! Pak Tuo...mushroom cookies sound appetizing...;-)
hej! more, i've eaten all...heheheheh...;-)
hej! mazddaud...yup, but the glass is too small, not enuf for me...;-)
hej! [SK]...oooopppss...except the cake, eveything actually without sugar...;-)
You can be a tempting devil. You made us fight harder to resist the temptations of visiting Turkey and indulging in its splendour at the expense of parting our money from the pocket... I may pass Turkey for now but I'll definitely find the equivalent of the black cherry cake here in Dubai.
So you have altered the setting here in your blog, dark to white and right to left. This accentuates your photos even more!
Have a great day!
Uncle Danial,
When you come back to Malaysia for holidays,we have pisang goreng and tea cham at Ah Chai ok?
bye uncle
hej! is not so far from istanbul, just a few hours away...hope you wll find the cake soon...;-)
hej! Adam...would be delighted to have pisang goreng and tea cham with you...;-)
waah sedap woo
hej! budlee...yeah, really nice having hot coffee/tea with the cold breeze from Bosphorus...;-)
Hmm.. I never had Turkish delight served with my coffee while in Istanbul. Maybe because I always have Cay instead, LOL!
hej!'s chewy and goes well with the coffee...;-)
oh mine. it taste sooooooooo good!
hej! azizi...heaven! ;-)
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