Yeah! fruits all over the place...

...sweet mangoes with golden yellow flesh...

...fruit of jack... won't miss this...durian, durian...

...great for hot summer day...

...the queen of fruits...

...heaty but great...

...mistakenly pine fruit...

...this one is Dutch legacy...
aiyooooooohhh..semua buah best2 ni..!
(telan air liur ni..)
aisey..better get one..hurry..!
* lovessss durian & durian belanda very much..
hej! Putubambu...yeah, all best2 one...haiyah, you must be a durian lover...;-)
I wan lulian! I wan lulian! let's eat lulian!!!!
hej! Josh...haiyah, lulian huh...very heaty wan and no gud duling dis hot and delai stlobeli better ma...;-)
tammo kwn lah buat entry mcm ni, hehe
hej! Pinky...selapppppppppppp...;-)
jackfruit, durian and soursop they are from the same family right?? but i just don't like durians.. hmmm, if your photos can show the succulent flesh of the fruits, that would be even more perfect~~
hej! [SK]...i think so because of thorny resemblance...for the durian, i could not get closer because of the smell so could not show the succulent flesh that the durian lovers really like...;-)
I love soursop juice! Yummy!
hej! aliff...frsh soursop...sweet and sour...heaven! ;-)
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