An award to all of you with great blog!
For all those great stuffs that you have shared with me,
that added colours to my day...
mazddaud, enche' adykasyah, josh, faisal admar, ms b, arep, awang goneng, axim, azizi, belladona, beruang madu, budlee, en_me, famil, hidney, hilmi, hjh.esah jolie, kak ja, inah, johan, jumper, kak teh, lily.lulu, lynawan, naz, pinky, putubambu, rizal, shah, uncle lee, wadi, wahaza, xis, yazrie, zeyn, zoul
eh eh! I spot my name! tenchew!!!
Have a nice weekend, Danial :)
hej! Naz...doishimashite! you too...have a great weekend...;-)
Tengkayu Danial, even though kja kena share with many others, including my cousin Naz..
hej! Kak Ja...doishimashite! and sharing is caring and every each of you are great bloggers...;-)
thank you...X "infinity"...hehehe
btw, you're great "blogger" friend too!!!
aiyaa...i wanna meet you la...i go there, you come back here......;-)
hej! mazddaud...doishimashite! hehehee...still can meet what...in kl until late july...;-)
ohh ok, i will'be in kl from 16th June till 19th June..maybe we can meet..:D
hej! mazddaud...that's great!
Lynawan.spotted.dekuju moc! =)
hej! lynawan...doishimashite!...;-)
I spot my name!!! yippie! Thanks!
Off to the museum now. hoping it wont rain too bad.
spot my name :D ..hehehe..thanks danial :)
hej! Ms B...hehehehe...doishimashite! have a great time at the museum...;-)
hej! Inah...hehehehe...;-)
OMG...i'm in the list too..
tq tq my blogger fren!!
take care!
*is it 'axim' in the list is me??hehe..just to confirmed back or else i just syok sendiri..hehe
hej! @xiM...yup! it's you axim = @xiM...hehehehehe...;-)
emkoi saii..!!
..that's very nice of you Danial...
hej! Putubambu...yeah, because you are one of the great bloggers...;-)
Hi Danial,
wah, i can spot my name too..!
Thank you, thank you.. ;-)
hej! Pinky...great that you can spot your name! doishimashite...;-)
tq so much danial !!!!
love ur blog too !!
hej! Lily.Lulu...doishimashite! ...;-)
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