Three nights i stared at the sky
three nights i saw three moons
with the hope the rain would be pouring down
to cool the night, so i could sleep
so i could sing in my dream
but the rain never come
i slept with broken heart

...the sky was clear without a star...

...the second night, the black cloud covered the moon
and i could hear the thunder...

...third starry night and the moon on the clear sky...
i wish the rain will come, so i can switch off the air-conditioner
and run in the rain...
mysterious night!!
hej! mazddaud...mysterious from the naked eyes...;-)
my suggestion,buat rain,it rains a lot
3 malam tanpa bintang .. terus teringat lagu fiq
hej! lynawan...hahahaha...afraid if i did that, KL will be flooded...;-)
hej! Arep...yup! three nights without stars, and never heard that song...must be a nice song...;-)
Did you know what I just learnt. From the earth we always see the same side of the moon. We have never seen the other side of the moon since as it revolves around us, the moon is turning in perfect precision along the earth's rotation so that the same side is always showing and the other side is always hidden. What a cosmic mystery, huh?
uwaaaaaaa alo ther danial san! how r u ? long time no c, just visited that blogger who went 'satay hj samuri' with u. Dang!!! how come picture all fuzzy one akakakakakakak r u in the UK or in Mesia right now?
I like the photos. Despite hazy sky you managed to get nice shots. Brilliant.
hej! Jumper...yeah, it seems that the earth moving around the moon...wonder the other side...;-)
hej! genki! hahahaha...all pics were fuzzy because of KL until late july...;-)
hej! DrSam...cheers! ;-)
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