This was our first meeting with Azizi in Malaysia... a meeting of two great academicians who are experts in their respective fields and a wannabe...

...they get along very well...and we have our early dinner at Sakae Sushi, KLCC, formerly Sushi King outlet...

...the side dish that both Azizi and Joshua chose for starter...

...and this one was my side dish, unagi...good to have during hot summer day...after that, we have our main dish...soft shell crab and we became craby, one after another soft shell crab...

...a trio soft shell crab...

...soft shell crab roll...

...a whole deep fried soft shell crab...

...they just could not wait... comment...
Here I come!!!!
hej! lynawan...welkome home to the land of truly asia! with all the laksa, rojak, sate and such...have a safe trip...;-)
mana aci..takde gambar you pun..!
kat blog josh pun ada gambar badan je.. tapi muka dah kena superimpose..
hej! face is not so photogenic one...;-)
he's back for good kah? (azizi)
hej! famil...nop, just for a short break/working trip...;-)
off topic, how come azizi looked good in this pic? was it camera trick? *lol*
again makan session. blimey! i can hardly taste these days.
Laa, ingatkan ada muka awak Danial oit! :) masih lagi di Malaysiakan? Sampai bila?
hej! Ms B...i guess the camera just loves him...heehehhehe...;-)
hej! aliff...a camera man always shy one...still in KL until end of july...;-)
guys.. worry not.. danial ni comey tau..
hej! are right...hehehehe...;-)
hej! Jumper...hahahaa...yeah, we are happy eaters...;-) let's join us next time...
huh, jeles jeles, hehe
hej! are welkome to jeles...hehehehe...
"mana aci..takde gambar you pun..!
kat blog josh pun ada gambar badan je.. tapi muka dah kena superimpose.."
tuuu laaa, baru nk ckp, rupanya kak Putu dah ckp dulu. hehehe
hej! AJ...that day i just brought my body only...hehehehe...;-)
yum!! :D
hej! budleee...yummilicious!
ha ha ha ..... i am loving it ;-)
hej! azizi...the best one is the last pic...;-)
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