The great Monday eve was ended with a dinner in China Town...

...a simple chinese restaurant yet with great food, and the dinner was on Angeline, later Nazia joined us and we have good laugh that evening...hehehehe...

...a starter, deep-fried peanut butter bread with maple syrup...

...a big bowl of king prawn curry noodles and the bowl was huge enough for three people to eat...the curry was light but tasted great...

...and the next one was another noodles with deep-fried fish head...the deep-fried fish head just so fragrance and flavoured the soup...and went great with chinese cabbage pickles and soft tofu... thanks Angeline and Nazia for a great dinner out and the dinner too as a little celebration for Nazia too...gambate!
You make me hungry for a good breakfast Danial. Hm...
hej! aliff...enjoy your bfast then...;-)
You mentioned duck and straightaway i terbayangkan crispy duck pancakes and duck orange! Yummmyyy!!
hej! Cik Kiah...yup, there's peking duck too but i did not order it...;-)
hmm.. the food looks yummy..
the starter is tempting.
where is this place? btw, i should be around during your visit. my next outstation is early sept.
sedapnye!!...tengok gambar je tu...hehehe
hej! Amino @ Lordmint...yeah, really yummy and i was stuffed...thanks for bloghopping by...;-)
hej! lynawan...easy to make it, just make peanut butter sandwiches, dip in egg and deep fry...tadaaaa...;-)
hej! Ms's in NCL's chinatown...yeah, will arrive at king cross on 24 morning...;-)
hej! maz...hehehehehe...really sodap...;-)
Awwwww hungry lah! :(
hej!'s makan2...;-)
I love fish-head noodles!!! Kat sini punya sedaaaaap!
hej! Josh...ok la, you belanja me next time...;-)
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