Was in London on monday and tuesday for a so called monday blues escapade from a gloomy days in Newcastle...were quite hot two days in London just nice to tan my skin...hehehehe...

...is undergoing expansion to accommodate future demand on rail transportation and the terminal will have modern look when the expansion is completed...

...the international terminal to europe with old architecture from the outside but modern from inside...the terminal is just beside King's Cross...

...and my destination of the day ended in Brighton Terminal...a day out to the seaside city with temperature soared to 28 degrees, perfect for lying on the beach to do some sunbathing...with the sea breeze and the seagulls flew around...
p.s.: sorry miss b could not meet you...hehehehe...
Danial, next time you are here, let me know, ok?
hej! Kak Teh...will do...;-)
Oh pergi duduk tepi laut yek.... Sejuklah tu. Cari matahari.:P Balik Malaysia jer, panas lembab sepanjang tahun!
hi danial,
I was wondering what happened and wanted to tell that it might not be possible as it is fasting time. by the time buka puasa, i'll be lazy to go out.
in fact, we can meet together with Kak teh. glad u had fun!
it's 28 degrees here. *pengsan*
hej! Ms B...yup, we can meet some other times together with kak teh...;-)
hej! lynawan...lol!
hej! aliff...just want to do some eye cleaning...hehehehee...
Lovely photos of the train station. But u didn't have one on Paddingtion ;)
I love taking photos of the train stations as well. And since I'm a frequent traveller on the National Rail, I have quite a number of pictures on them. But not as nice as yours :)
hej! Hunny...maybe next time i will snap Paddington...;-)
p.s.: do post the pics of the train station...
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