Had a second walk in the wood over the weekend because i did not want to lose the chance to enjoy the serene view of Jesmond Dene in snow. Another great walk in the morning with the birds singing along the white path and i wish that i can freeze the time and immerse myself with the beautiful surrounding. How i wish i could do that...this time walk brought me to the beginning of the stream literally, then i walked down the stream, passed through a few cascading water and bridges along the way...a few wild ducks just swimming happily in the cold icy water and once a while dunked their heads into the water to something for breakfast...

...the small waterfall near the old water mill...

...a few small rapids to tame the stream...

...the sub-zero temperature managed to freeze the water flowing down the cliff...

...aarrggghhhh, another great weekend walk...
U can still take a stroll in the park??? I had to think many times to brace the weather today just to do the groceries shopping!
I suppose it was a good trip judging from the beautiful photos taken.
hej! Ms.B...i did twice in a week, walked thru the dene fron end to end...and it was really great to be outdoor after a few days camped myself indoor...yes, even though the temperature was sub-zero, the view was breathtaking...;-)
Beautiful pictures, Danial. I'm missing my second homeland already!
It's -40 there oii! OK OK .. I'll settle for the sun a while longer ;D
hej! Naz...i guess your home sweet home has turned into igloo already! yeah, enjoy the sun before you go home to your beautiful island!
wow...got snow in this blog..
i likeeeee..!
nice photos bro..
hej! Putubambu...yeah, it's winter! hehehehe...
Subhanallah, veri beautiful indeed.
My walk in the snow generally consists of putih salju sejenak mata memandang, snow yg ditaburi tanah n snow yg dicemari doggie pee.euw!!
The last photo reminded me of my winter in Leicester... Every Sunday I walked along the river canal that run along the campus to Abby Park...
hej! lynawan...yeah, really nice view of the snow...hahahhaa...and the dogs also like to pee along the track...;-)
hej! Malim...yeah, what a nice memories, walked along the canal with someone special...;-)
hej! CalebCKan...indeed...;-)
Danial Ma,
Seronoknya kalau diriku sendiri yang dapat merasainya.
Hati-hati ...licin.
I'm in Kyoto and it snowed this morning exactly like in this blog of yours. But the experience was shortlived. After a while the sun came and the snow melted away...
Have a great week ahead, Danial and thank you for sharing those awesome photos..
hej! aliff...yeah, it's fun for a while...and you will one day have a chance to experience it...;-)
hej! Jumper...aarrgghhhhh..you should travel up north if you have time...hokkaido is so beautiful now during winter, love to walk alone to enjoy the scenery... and kyoto can be consider warmer...sure you have snapped so pics...;-)
danial, i missed most of it but a trip to Oxford recently after a heavy downfall, made my day.Lovely pictures as always.
vah vah vah dah lamer tak kena snow ghitewww.. uhuhu
hej! Kak Teh...yes, kak teh this time the snow fall quite heavy, blanketted all over UK...at least you still managed to catch up the snow in oxford...;-) cheers...
hej! en_me...hahahhaa, come over so i can throw2 u with snow balls...;-)
Danial, this is soooo lovely!!!!
Feels like in Narnia. Lucky you. I wish I could experience this as well. :)
hej! Hunny...yeah, you a rite, just like narnia...and you just can come over next winter...;-)
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