ooopppsss! i did it again...sorry i did not put it on my side bar...hehehhee...
Thank you to Ms B for the beautiful kind word and beautiful award and I realised that I am BEAUTIFUL through my lenses...and what a great thing that every award is with beautiful rules to be followed beautifully...so a little about yourself can be shared with others too...
So here the rules:
Step 1. Accept the award and put it on your sidebar.
Step 2. Describe 7 things people do not know about you.
I guess that I am a little mysterious to myself...hehehheee...yeah, still need to discover what the potentials that hidden deep inside and let's see what are the seven things unknown to others:







Step 3. Award the Award to 7 other Beautiful Bloggers and describe why they deserve the award.
And i will leave to other beautiful people to answer this tag, let's see if you think you are beautiful from inside or outside, you are eligible to do this tag...cheerio!
p.s.: sorry that you need a QR decoder to read the QR code...hehehee...for iPhone, get free QR code app to read and generate QR code...and for Nokia, i guees there's a built-in QR code reader or else try to crack it...
TAK ACI!!!!!!
Hej! Naz...hehehe...
congrats bro ittewww.. ehehe
hej! en_me...you too...beautiful man...hehehehe...
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