The northernPRIDE 2008 is the first time event parade in Newcastle. It is a new and exciting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender festival for the North East. Representatives of the LGBT communities from across the region have come together to ensure that the Pride celebration that represents and celebrates the diversity. The range of events being organized as part of the festival to ensure that there is something for everyone. The event provides an opportunity to everybody to learn more about LGBT history or dance the night away, admire the work of LGBT artists or chill out at a Pink Picnic at Leazes Park. A Northeast First! Pride Parade started at the Civic Centre to celebrate its diversity and worth with pride and passion for the LGBT community and friends.

...a bright blue sky...

...soaring high...

...a lone little bird happily scouring for the meal to start the day, next to Civic Centre...

...three happily buddies come together to join the parade...

...the football team of the pride men...

...the smiling angel...

...one happy family...

...registration desk...

...one happy men contigent...

...the one-day official photographer...Linda...

...happy ladies ready to join the parade...

...happy ballons and happy girls...

...i like this lady in fur with the devil lady...ggggrrrrrr....


...the giant rainbow flag...

...a happy pirates team with their rainbow umbrellas...

...Angel & Devil happily pose together...

...mate, you look cute with this pink feather...

...the st.john team ready for the parade...

...a reporter interviews one of the rugby team members...

...happy faces...


...go gurls...

...free hugs...

...the giant rainbow flag...

...rainbow mat on the back...

...ready for the parade...

...the drum ladies will lead the parade...

...photo session before the parade...drum ladies and the police officers...and the other participants anxiously waiting for the parade to kick off at twelve...

...the rainbow wrist band...
hi danial,
wahh...so happening there!!!
waah..u pun join the parade ke??
couldnt find u in any of the pic :P
i thought u'll wear pink fur :P
hej! mazddaud...it's summer so there are many activities over here...mostly happening one...:)
hej! inah...hahahaha...yeah, joined the parade as unofficial photoman...hehehehe...and i wore pink tee...hehehehe...
Ohh no...Never thought this would happen in the UK.
hej! aireene...yeah, it just happened across the UK, big cities like London & Brighton, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Endiburgh, and not to forget Newcastle...just part of summer festival...yeeehhhaaaa...
Sunderland?kalau takde apa2 boleh je..aku merajuk sbb ada org pegi Glasgow diam2 :P hehehe
hej! neil... still luving you...hehehehe...:)
Wah seronoknya danny kat sana yer... tapi jauh sangat nak join danny lah tapi nampak memang meriah dan seronok
hej! Abg.bear...just summer happening...:) hope to meet you in person in October then...
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