Dubai by Night courtesy of Mr.KK...a nice friendly blogger of Dubai...a brief tour of old charms of Dubai and new Dubai...and i definitely will come back for a real tour...

...the Dubai an old fort... of the Souk, a market complex in the old Dubai City...
...a great experience to ride the traditional boat or the Dohwacross one of the creeks, which divided parts of the city...during the wee hours and still bustling with people...

...the nice, friendly and charming Mr.KK who gave me a brief tour of Dubai...great thanks to Mr.KK for giving me a very informative of Dubai by Night...syukran ya Sheikh...;-)
will visit you again in future...
14 comments:!! bila la nak pegi ni :D
hej! last i can update my the starbuck...heheheheee...let's visit Dubai...;-)
wanna transit @ Dubai & Mr KK too..
hahaha..syukran, syukran...!!!
hej! pinky...a good idea to transit@dubai before heading back to KL...;-)
hej! aireene...hehehehe...yeah, syukran...;-)
nice place hang out there for shopping! I don't think the shop open during wee hours....
great pics but less story.... tu jer ker cerita pasal Dubai?
pleasure was all mine boss.... dtg lagi, jgn tak dtg...:) will need to move to a bigger apartment soon (mak bapak nak dtg ziarah end of next year), so will have more space in my current crampy apartmenrt fit for 1. btw, I look so cengkung one on the first photo... have gained back the kilos... hehe... and nice photos...! ada bakat...:)
Shopping shopping shopping.
Dubai bes ke?nmpk mcm too much man made sj kt c2
hej! wahaza...the shopping arcades in the Dubai Airport still open i think around the clock...
hej! rush...just a brief write up...will give a real tour in future and i will write more...;-)
hej! KK...great thanks for your hospitality...well, you look great too and i am sure you gain some more during the eid...;-)
hej! lynna...yup! dubai is a great place, so many people around...:-)
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