caught entangled
in the bitter sweet winter
love will survive
some how, some ways...
happy 29th.anniversary to kak teh & awang goneng
a day to remember, a day to cherish...
may both of you have more loves that bond you together
for more many years to come
with a lot of joy and happiness
and great health physically and mentally...
cinta tak semestnyerr bersatewww.. kanns
hi abang danial ittewww..
hej! en_me...hhhhmmm...maybe not physically...;-)
en danial..u're in love? then you should pass ted to me..i'm in love with ted you know ;)
hej! inah...hahahaha...i'm in love with mr.ted...so how? hehehehe...
:(..mr ted have to choose who he want to be with!! :P
Takew TWO to tanggo.
Cha-cha-cha.... hehehehe
it takes four to zapin ..(err.. betul ke?)
pnh dengar x?love boleh mencairkn air batu.but I doubt that statement
hej! inah...mr.ted so afraid to go down under because of too many koalas...hehehehe...
hej! josh...and it takes three to ronggeng...hahahahaa...;-)
hej! azizi..and it takes many to lambak joget...hehehhe...
hej! lyna...really huh? i think maybe because love can create heat and can melt the ice...hehehehe...;-)
Take TWO to tanggo
Take THREE to ronggeng
Take FOUR to zapin
Take MANY to joget lambak..
jeng jeng.....
Take ME to UK. Can ah? hahaha
hej! josh...hahahahaha...can take you to UK...i will call ankel santa to bring you here...beter than air asia X less carbon footprint...hehehehe...
danial ma, this is so sweeet!!! Thank you!! I am so touched!
Thank you, thank you.
hej! kak teh...thanks a lot to you too...because your writings (blog) always bring joy to my life...;-)
wa...u had a dedication for KT and AG. How sweet!!!! *smiles*
U should meet them. They are indeed a lovely couple. Always brings smile to my face.
hej! Ms B...yeah, hope one day i will meet them...could not find time to meet kak teh when i was in London...
Sweet dedication lah, this. I haven't met Awang Goneng myself, but did meet Kak Teh when she was back in KL last year. Wow. Last year. Cepat-nye the time flies! :P
And let's hope you're in love for being in love is a fine and terrible thing, no?
hej! kenny...you are lucky to have the chance to meet kak teh...few times in london but always in hurry and could not find time to meet her...hope one day i will meet her in person...;-)
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