I was tagged again and this time by Hidney. People collect stuff and I sometimes collect dust over the time too...hehehehe...so here some of my personal collections and i have too many things that have been collected since I took charge of myself...teddies, boyfriends, girlfriends, foes, allies, love, etc...

...yeah, i collect free condoms and good as a rescue for a party if you forgot to buy some balloons...and they smell and taste good too...always think safety first before you step into unknown territory...hahahaha...

...another favourite items to be collected along the way...some of my fridge magnets and they are so cute too and have to keep away in a chest because of people so jealous that i have so many cute fridge magnets...hahahaha...

...cold hearted is ok with me but cold head? no way...i like the Inca hats and snow caps...to warm my head (just one big head only need this) during winter...

...so far i have big, medium and small backpacks...still thinking to buy some more even though i have 8 now...great stuff to stuff all travel stuffs...hehehehe...
fridge magnets? i can definitely accept that..
backpack?? i can join the club coz I have so many bags and thinking to buy another one
snow caps? i can accept that
condoms?????? ayoooooo..naughty danial :P..
i wonder what else I can expect from Mr Danial :P..the ice cream eater, the licking master and the photograph genius :P
Can give me some of the condoms? *wink*
hi hik.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Hej! Inah...hehehe...just to support the rubber industry...;-)
hej! faisal...can...any particular flava?
hej! famil...hahahaha...;-)
danial ma, i echo Inah, condoms??? hahaha! I remember a friend's daughter bringing back some flavoured ones home from school. The school handed them out as part of studies on sex. At first we thought they were chewing gum!
hej! kak teh...hahahahaa...yeah, smell good and taste good too like chewing gum...ooopppsss...just curious...hehehehe...well, since it easy to get it free especially when i visit my GP and also during public events...hhhmmmm...so why not i just take some and the rest is history...keep collecting and make them as home decoration...colourful packets in big glass jar...and thinking to make some art displays like framing the condoms....;-)
Ooo naughty boy.
Rubber is not good for the environment tau.
Btw, I tgk your magnets teringin pulak nk collect
collect condoms as personal collections ???
you're over creative....no wonder can write use both hands....heheheh
That was a good ones!!!
I really like these kind of things!
I was just at this site buying all these motivational and inspirational quotes that was fridge magnets.
They were really funny and good:)
Anyway, thanks for sharing yours. I appreciate it!
hej! lyna...hahahhaaa...natural latex is ok...well, let's collect fridge magnet...;-)
hej! hidney...or art deco...;-)
hej! mazddaud...hehehehe...just try to be creative...;-)
hej! madelaine...great thanks for the inspirational fridge magnet site...;-)
you need a lot of condoms in Amsterdam. The Red Light is available 24-7 .... ha ha ha ...
..... be a good boy there
if my EA tengok ur bag packs mesti dia giler ..
hehehe ..
nice collection danial !!
love it !
i love buying backpacks too. but they sometimes get too expensive it's not worth buying.
hej! azizi...hahahaha...i will be a good boy then...;-)
hej! lily...hahahaha...me pathetic one buying those backpack...;-) ok, i need to buy more...
hej! NotHamsap...maybe you can buy during boxing day...;-)
I remember back in uni days, they distributed condoms freely and the promoters were wearing them. I meant as a costume, big ballon from head to toe. *LOL*
so now I know where to get my supply, esp since they come in different flavors. *winks*
hej! Ms B...yeah from your GP or GUM clinic...;-)
I'm trying to imagine what kind of party that can be saved by substituting balloons with condoms without offending mothers, god-fearing girls and little kids? I'm guessing it's a perfect fix for some kind of orgy party that you're co-hosting...right? It makes more sense now.
hej! jumper...hahahaa...well, it won't look like a condom anymore when it fully inflates and am sure that it won't upset anybody then...but make sure that you blow it as big as possible...;-)
Hehehe.. Danny boy..
It' s a "WOW" from me.. Hahahahahaahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!
hej! enche' adykasyah...hahahhahaa...crazy me...;-)
what flava do you like? ops!
hej! faisal...hehehee..any flava..;-)
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