I longed to go to Berlin because of two things, the first one is the Berlin Wall that really fascinated me when i was in primary school and another one is the gate that separated West and East Berlin, the symbol of Cold War. Yeah, Berlin really changed a lot after the reunification and became the capital city of Germany.

...the Brandenburger Gate from the west (West Berlin)...

...the Brandenburger Gate from the east (East Berlin)...

...the Parliament House...

...a glass dome in the centre of Parliament House...a great place to see Berlin in 360 degrees...

..The Berlin Wall at Niederkirchnerstr. (Niederkirchner Street)...one of the sections in Berlin that you still can view the remnants of Berlin Wall and this one is the closest one in the city centre...the wall here is the outer layer of the Berlin Wall...

...now it just the remnants of Cold War that separated the ideology: Marxist and Capitalist...

...the line seperated east and west..

...yeah, you are dead man if you try to cross the line for freedom...

...the concrete coffins as a remembrance for the dead, the East Berliners and the Jewish (holocaust)...

...and along the Berlin Line, there are walls (wooden one) with all the events took place during the cold war...

...and now some sections of the wall become 'canvas' for the artists..

...the communication tower for ddp and tvB...the fourth highest freestanding structure in Europe also known to Berliner as Lanky Lady...
[my photo album here]
still,as if history hasn't teach us much, people keep building wall..one after another
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-George Santayana-
germans are hot! yum yum
I would say Berlin is one of the greatest city with a mouthful of history to tell. Like you, I have always been fascinated with Berlin. Your photos brought about a grim look of Berlin though. Perhaps you should come back in summer to capture a lots of skin, yeah?!
hej! lyna...yup, that's true but people just forget it until it happened to them...life is just like going around a circle...;-)
hej! faisal...yeah, germans are really HOT...they have hot cars...Merc, BMW, Audi, Volk...HOT german sausages that great with sauerkraut...hehehehee...
hej! jumper...yup, indeed that Berlin is full of historic events...over here too, during summer can see all those expose their skin...hehehehe...
hahahaha ya i know they are famous with their sausages....
i still got the berlin shirt... you know typical berlin black shirt with some colorful font written on the front of the shirt... BERLIN.
i got the watch too... same theme haha!
i miss berlin, minden, trier, koln, frankfurt and many more... (do you know where is minden and trier? lol)
berlin got some very cool pubs and clubs!!! hahahahahaha can't remember them all... but i remmeber KC!!! :P
there i met one dentist... huhu
hej! faisal...yup, i know those places that you mentioned...as trier is the oldest city in germany and once as the capital of roman empire...KC and dentist sounds memorable one...hehehehe...;-)
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