Malmo is a short train ride from Copenhagen Central Station. It just takes barely 30-minute to reach Malmo Central Station passing through Kastrup Copenhagen International Airport. A great opportunity to get to Malmo if you visit Copenhagen. Actually Malmo was my last minute destination when I planned my break a few months back and it just 30 minutes away from my dream to visit Turning Torso and cross the Oresund Bridge! Architectura is always fascinating me but because I am not good at drawing, I have to abandon my dream of becoming an architect...instead of I've become a mad scientist...hahahaha...

...a rather small railway station...

...a bridge near the harbour...

...the Oresund Bridge from the Western Harbour...the bridge that connects Malmo with Copenhagen is one of the world's longest and most beautiful bridges, and it is the longest suspension bridge in Europe...with 4 km long undersea tunnel on the Denmark water and 8 km long bridge on the Sweden side services both trains and cars...

...the Malmohus Castle or Malmo Castle is the oldest Renaissance castle in Scandinavia, with well-maintained, modern settings and historical exhibitions.

...a famous landmark of Malmo and Sweden...the Turning Torso is Sweden's tallest building and the tallest residential building in 190 metres, designed by architect Santiago Calatrava, Turning Torso consists of nine cubes with a total of 54-storey with a 90 degrees twist from bottom to top...

turning torso!! a must for me!!
jeles jeles :P
Are you sure that's "Oresund Bridge"?....macam Penang Bridge je.....hehehehe
tgk oresund bridge t'ingat kt Penang bridge
Oh! so embarassing...I'm here in Scandinavia and I have not seen the TT. Will have to take a trip soon.
So, Oslo next?
Mad scientist? Ha ha.. Hard to think that you're one, having seen how cultured you are when preparing your meals, narrating nature and photographing your life's journey. But perhaps you are.. with your obsession with that little Mr. Ted and I still think you're the pervert creating the naked snowangel.
Copenhagen is just lovely. Did you see my sweet heart, the Litte Mermaid of Copenhagen? It's a classic sculpture I wish to touch some day...
Always wanted to visit Sweden but never had a chance. And now am not sure I want to visit it anymore
hej! you must visit malmo...;-)
hej! mazddaud...yup, another penang bridge but this one in sweden...hehehehe...
hej! lynawan...hehehehe...penang in sweden...;-)
hej! will be there sooner or later...hhmmm...yup, oslo in my itianerary...;-)
hej! jumper...hahahahhaa...yup, i am some kind of pervert too...and the next posting is on copenhagen and you should plan your visit to copenhagen soon because your little mermaid will soon push outward away from the itchy hands that vandalized her for a few times...;-)
hej! aireene...well, you should go there if you have a chance...scandinavian countries are very nice to visit...;-)
Hmm, TT look so majestic.. I think I've to go holiday soon..I miss walking through a train station.
hej! wahaza...yeah, you better taking the chance of credit crunch over here...;-)
That little mermaid has been my dreamgirl since I was a little boy in my pre-puberty fantasy and you have molested her?? No good lah u!! Never learn pendidikan moral, meh? She's under-age, you know..
Dear Danial,
Wow! Turning Torso is really impressive. I can imagine it is twisting in my head now.
Another great lonely journey!
hej! jumper...hahahaha...not me...some other people have beheaded her for a few times...but i did something without touching your little mermaid...heheheheh...
hej! hilmi...yeah, great building and another one is in progress in dubai...;-)
turning torso is so cool!
i wonder how they got the idea...
hej! faisal..from the sculpture of human body by the spanish artist...
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