Milan was my second stop after Amsterdam. My second time visiting Milan but this time just a mere few hours before my connecting flight to Athens. A warm afternoon but colder towards the evening, Milan as usual not really fascinate me compare to Roma but i try to discover the hidden gems of Milan...

...the grandeur architecture of Central Station, a copy cat of New York's Grand Central Station...

...this section was under restoration when i was here last year...

...Velasca Tower...a 100-metre tower with peculiar shape that of a 'mushroom' was the first generation of Italian modern architecture, built in 1954..

...Milan Cathedral or Duomu de Milan is the most extraordinary of Italian late Gothic ranks third in terms of dimension after the Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in Rome and Seville's Cathedral...

...Sforzesco Castle is another famous monument besides the Doumo and it has represented a symbol of the power in the hands of the Dukes, as well as of the foreign dominators before the unification of Italy in the 19th. century. It has been reconstructed by Francesco Sforza, who transformed it into a ducal residence. Its origins can be traced back to the second half of the 14th. century at the time of Galeazzo II Visconti. Now, it becomes a place of culture, which hosted numerous Lombard art collections...
I dont have enough time even 3 days I was there last December. You accross so many countries. Nice journey dude!
oh mine
i missed this place.
next time.
will do.
hej! aidid...yeah, my second time in milano and still not enough time to discover all...maybe next time...;-)
hej! azizi...yeah, next time you will drop by...;-)
full of luvly places and pix...:)
hej! wahidah...and yet so many places i haven't been yet...;-)
those places...arrgghhh.... i live and work in Milan before.... soooooo nostalgic!!! bila lah nak pi sana lagik ekkk??
hej! rush...yeah, great fashion must have a lot of great times over there...;-)
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