Yeah, really shocked to see those skinned-off lambs' heads at the meat section of Athens Wet Market. Must be nice to make lamb head curry...hehehehe...The wet market really interesting in term of 'wet' because you will see that it was really wet especially at the fish section...just like the wet markets in Malaysia!

...helloooooooo, take me home, take me home, please! hehehehe...

...well, not all sections were wet...the dried fruits and nut section...

...sweets and coconuts...

...dried herbs...really cheap... can fiind the scary skinned-off lambs' heads here...

...and this is typical around Athens...popular rounded sesame bread...

...plain but so fresh...aaarrrggghhh, so nice one...i fall in love! the bread not to that auntie...hehehehe...and have eaten a few...

...and also all sorts of nuts...from pistachios to chestnuts...
[will post more pics on Athens soon]
[my photo albums here and here]
Can u bring home one lamb head for me as souvenir??
Erm.... and 3 kilos of pistachio.
The bread look so fresh and nice...
scary but interesting..
Oh! you bring back memories :)
Did you go to the Plaka? I love that place.
hej! hidney...hahahaha...i guess lamb head curry must be great as fish head one...
hej! josh...can, i have to deep freeze it first...and afraid that i just can give you the pistachios shells only...hehehehe...;-)
hej! wahaza...yeah, tasted unique with the sesame...
hej! en_me...very scary with the popping eye balls...but interesting look...
hej! Naz...yup, i did pass through Plaka district on my way up to Acropolis...rustic houses...and also the small plot of roman ruins with the tower and ottoman mosque...
urgh, that's gross, the skinless head.but I love the bazaar pics
hej! seems that your new blog is on...yeah, gross but that's the real thing and if go to the anatomy museum you will see the same of skinless human body...hehehe...
aiyoooo ngerinya
mata terbeliak lagi!!!!
hej! AJ...yup! firts time i saw it i almost scary but then feel pity to the heads...;-)
at least in anatomy museum those human parts are blooless.yes,but progress seems to be slow
hej! lyna...hahahha...i think that more scary merry...remember watch anatomy programmes on pity how the bodies were cut like you cut your chicken...fainted! so remember to back up your blog from time to time...;-) scary.....that lamb's heads pic....
sekali tengok macam kepala dinosaur, tengok 2 kali macam kepala cicak....eeeeee...fobia dgn cicak!!
hej! are first impression was the lizard also phobia with afraid!
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