Some interesting vegetables that can be found in the markets around the Cote de Azure...

...the deep red colour of carrots caught the eyes...

...the pumpkin-shape tomatoes are bigger than the normal tomatoes...

...this one the name is in french and could not identify what kind of fruit/vege...but still interesting with fiery orange colour... lemon with lemony-mild scent... yellow-green stripe brinjals...
the tomatoes are huge ;)
ohh..hi danial!! how was ted? :P
hej! inah...yeah, very big tomato than usual and i guess it can only be found around french riviera region...and mr.ted is gay as usual...;-)
everything is alien to me. haha
dun hv time to experiment with these alien veges. what a pathetic life
hej! wil find time to discover more...;-)
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